There’s a persistent myth in self defense training about the groin strike that goes something like this: “Kick the guy in the balls and the fight is over. “It’s the one kick wonder.
Women especially are often directed to aim for this target as though it’s a magic fight ender. It’s not, and you are actually putting yourself at risk if you don’t realise that.
Unfortunately the range of responses to a groin strike are variable and unpredictable…
Of course, there are some guys who will buckle and fall if they are hit even lightly.
But there are others who can get hit full force in the crotch and keep on coming.
Others can get hit, and come back and land a blow on you before they fold; it’s a delayed response to the groin impact.
And finally some guys may be wearing a cup already, because they went to the bar looking for a brawl.
Basically, you have no guarantee that your opponent is going down if you manage to land that strike.
If you hit him and he keeps on coming, you are going to feel your confidence fade, because the biggest weapon in your arsenal just failed. You are likely going to be vulnerable to his attack while you pause for a moment to wonder why your move didn’t work.
What you should be doing is hitting your opponent repeatedly in as many places as you can, as hard as you can. If you get his groin that’s great, but you’ve already hit him in the head and the solar plexus before you paused. Punches in bunches is the rule.
If you knee him in the groin, do it repeatedly.
The bottom line is that you should always be prepared to see any move or strategy fail. No plan survives contact with the enemy. If one thing you tried doesn’t work, move on immediately.
There are no magic fight ending moves. Keep going until he falls down.
P.S. Click here to watch the ‘Myth of the Groin Strike’ video on Youtube that inspired today’s blog post!
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