As you may or may not know, I have a podcast called “The Strenuous Life Podcast.”
This podcast has a very strong martial arts focus, and in the latest episode (079) I have an in-depth conversation about the best kind of steel for knives with metalworker and knife expert Zoltan Schubert.
I found this a really enlightening discussion it really helped me understand the different kinds of steels for knives, which kind of steel you might want to choose for different applications, the most important attribute for self defense knives, and a whole lot more.
You can catch the entire podcast in audio-only form at iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or as an RSS feed…
But since we filmed this conversation you can also watch the whole thing on the Self Defense Tutorials Youtube channel (and actually see the specific knives we’re talking about) or by clicking below
Hope you find this informative – I certainly did!
Stephan Kesting