The knee strike is one of the most powerful shots you can throw. A good knee to the groin, the torso, or the head can drop any attacker.
But if one knee is good then more are better!
The classic Muay Thai ‘skip knee’ attack involves you throwing multiple knee shots in quick succession until your opponent is incapacitated.
It’s a VERY effective attack but developing the coordination for this can be a little bit tricky initially. Fortunately the wall drill can help tremendously with this, and it’s also a great warmup for any combat sport or martial arts training session.
Here’s a breakdown of the wall drill for skip knees (including the 4 most common mistakes) that’ll have you throwing multiple powerful knees in no time…
Some key points for this drill are…
- Start with one leg back and both hands on the wall (simulating a clinch situation)
- Swing your back leg up and bring your hips forward
- Now retract both legs. The leg that was striking comes down in front, the support leg hops backwards
- Having alternated sides repeat the strike using the knee of your back leg. Continue throwing knees and alternating sides each tie
- Bring your hips forward and lean slightly backwards as you strike with your knee
- Come up onto the ball of your support foot during the strike – don’t stay flat footed
- Your knee doesn’t go straight up; make sure it has some forward momentum as well
If you do 50 or 100 of these knees in a skipping rhythm you’ll have a nice sweat going and have done a whole lot of reps for one of the most powerful and effective strikes in martial arts!
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Stephan Kesting