If you’re a normal human being leading a normal life and you suddenly have to defend yourself, then most of the time you’re going to be wearing some sort of clothing.
(If you’re wandering down the street naked and get in a violent confrontation then it’s likely, as BJJ black belt Kurt Osiander likes to say so bluntly, that “Son, you f**ked up a long time ago…”)
Now given the time of year it’s highly likely that you could encounter someone attacking you in an ugly Christmas sweater.
Here are some techniques designed especially for that purpose, including some tips on how to use that piece of clothing to choke someone unconscious.
The observant among you will notice that most of these tips also apply to fighting in a gi, sweater, hoodie, raincoat, parka and and even long sleeve T shirt, so we’ve pretty much got you covered.
Anyway, check out the video below; I hope you enjoy it and even find it a little bit useful!